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  • 11ème festival des Cinémas Différents de Paris

    Prochaine projection

    Amsterdam reconstruction (copie film 35mm)

    Musique Smooth One - Basse guitare Mourad Baali


    le 08/12/2009 à 20h00

    Lieu : CINEMA / La Clef

    amsterdam central station.jpg
    Image extraite du film sténopé "Amsterdam reconstruction" - Gare centrale.

    Cette sélection inédite de films fait écho aux deux thématiques du festival, les faisant se croiser et se répondre.
    Une première partie interroge l'inscription des corps sur le support argentique ou numérique. Au grain de la peau se superposent celui de la pellicule ou du pixel.
    L'accent se porte ensuite sur le déplacement et l'exploration de lieux et d'espaces que la matière de l’image transfigure. Les corps inscrits sur les photogrammes ont été filmés autant en Amérique Latine que dans des espaces plus familiers et la réflexion sur le voyage est autant sujet thématique qu'argument plastique. (63 minutes)

    AMSTERDAM RECONSTRUCTION sera projeté dans cette sélection

    Infos programme détaillé de cette sélection : http://www.cjcinema.org/pages/festival_edition.php?id_prog=14

    Lien permanent Catégories : Film 0 commentaire
  • International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

    "Spring & by summer fall"
    spring & by summer fall.jpg

    Still image from "Blonde redhead meets Gainsbourg" - Simone Pace, drummer, Blonde redhead.

    A pinhole move by Jérôme Schlomoff, The Netherlands, 2009, color / black and white, video, 4 min

    IDFA 2009 - Slection : PARADOCS


    Tuschinski 5 Tue 24-11 22:00

    Tuschinski 4 Sat 28-11 15:00


    For the American rock trio Blonde Redhead, filmmaker and photographer Jérôme Schlomoff used a pinhole camera to make a music video of their song "Spring & by Summer Fall." The video combines outdoor shots with concert footage recorded during the "Blond Redhead meets Gainsbourg" tour in Paris in October 2008. The song appears to be about someone searching for his own life who only manages to see fragments of it in the expressions of passersby. The feelings of desolation and longing are clearly visible in the images. Unrecognizable and at a distance, the musicians play in an enormous emptiness that is only occupied by the music. Outside, the camera travels over a railroad track, looking for someone or something. The effect of the pinhole camera is that all images from the past appear to be snatched away, and as a result are endowed with something tragic. Jérôme Schlomoff started using a pinhole camera he built himself as the medium for his 35mm films back in 2000. This camera with no lens works by allowing light into an otherwise lightproof box through a miniscule hole, which records the images on film. Schlomoff's film Amsterdam Reconstruction was selected for Paradocs in 2007.


    MORE INFO : http://www.idfa.nl/industry/Festival/films-2009/film.aspx?id=e671e309-205a-49f5-9272-9e97174619d9

    BLONDE REDHEAD INFO : http://www.blonde-redhead.com/home.html

    Lien permanent Catégories : Film 0 commentaire
  • Live Screening - Smart Project Space


    2 pinhole movies by Jérôme Schlomoff in


    Music composed & performed by

    SMOOTH ONE music composer

    MOURAD BAALI bass player

    26th NOVEMBER 2009 - 21:00 h.

    NYZZ_AR sans titre 72.jpg

    Still image from the pinhole movies “new york zéro zéro” & “Amsterdam reconstruction

    “new york zero zero” (Original text & voice by François Bon with English subtitle) 21 minutes.

    Movie realized in New York and surroundings. My regard paces the desert city, under snowstorm. This film shows New York as a devastated world after an upheaval.  Filmed with a homemade pinhole camera (35mm camera), the city seems broken, abandoned. I am questioning « How live the city nowadays ?  ».

    “Amsterdam reconstruction” 19 minutes.

    Portrait of Amsterdam city through a filmed visit of building sites: the cinema of the Maison Descartes; the Rijksmuseum; the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam; and the W139. This visit is confronted with a poetic vision of the urban spaces public or private of the city and its surrounding areas which I plan to film in parallel These two visions are closely linked by common poetical constituents which become evident during this mysterious stroll in a city in construction, definitively oriented towards its future.


    Arie Biemondstraat 101-111

    1054 PD Amsterdam


    +31 (0)20 4275951

    Tram #1-#3-#17






    Lien permanent Catégories : Film 0 commentaire
  • 3rd AiM International Biennale of Marrakech 2009

    "la villa k"

    villa k.jpg

    still image from the pinhole movie "la villa k"


    Screening - 3rd AiM International Biennale of Marrakech 2009

    info exhibition

    "A Proposal For Articulating Works and Places", Exhibition in several venues from 19 November 2009 - 20 January 2010

    info film


    Lien permanent Catégories : Film 0 commentaire
  • Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco - Portraits des lauréats 2009

    Voici les les portraits des lauréats du 41 ème Prix International 2009, décerné par la Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco.

    Dans l'ordre de présentation :

    Su-Mei Tse Prix International d'Art Contemporain

    Pierre Mertens Prix International Littérature

    David Thomas Prix International Découverte Littérature

    Jonathan Harvey Prix International Compositeur



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    THOMAS DAVID copy.jpg

    HARVEY JONATHAN copy.jpg

    Vous pouvez retrouver ces portraits dans l'abum : "Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco"

    Lien permanent Catégories : Photographie 0 commentaire