Jane Birkin - 28/02/2004 Paris - © Jérôme Schlomoff
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Jane Birkin - 28/02/2004 Paris - © Jérôme Schlomoff
À l'occasion de la présentation du nouveau livre de Didier Arnaudet,
"Les jambes sans sommeil", à la galerie Xippas,
nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le portfolio
"Jean-Michel Basquiat Édition Spéciale" sera présenté.
Jeudi 29 septembre à 19:00 - Galerie Xippas 108 Rue Vieille du Temple, 75003 Paris
Portraits Jérôme Schlomoff
Poèmes Didier Arnaudet
Calligraphie Lara Captan
"Jean-Michel Basquiat Édition Spéciale"
Édition à 10 exemplaires (plus 5 exemplaires en épreuve d'artiste)
Portraits Jérôme Schlomoff
Poems Didier Arnaudet
Calligraphy Lara Captan
"Jean-Michel Basquiat Special Edition", is an edition of 10 copies (with 5 extra copies as artist's proofs)
Translation from the top, left to right
Does there exist a possibility of suppressing this poorly closed wound, of transcending it, or better, of accomplishing it?
Would the elsewhere explain existence better than existence explains the elsewhere?
But what is then this geometry? What resonance to attribute it? Should one even interpret its original roughness at the risk of making disappear its fundamental indetermination?
Where to go to hear the secrets of a voice that still possesses the desire and the precious gift to compose stories of ogres, of crows, of needles, of stones, of white-hot stars, of parades, of toothless mouths, of magic wands, and of beasts more benevolent than angels?
Translation by Madeleine Vaudremer
Jean-Michel Basquiat Édition Spéciale
Une chose merveilleuse est arrivée. Suite à l’ancrage d’un ensemble de quatre portraits de Jean-Michel Basquiat.
La poésie de Didier Arnaudet est venue avec subtilité s’ancrer, d’un coup de magie noire, à la surface des portraits.
La calligraphie de Lara Captan est venue avec élégance encrer, d’un coup de fusain cuivré, le corps de la poésie.
Lara & Didier se sont emparés du sens de mes images. Ensemble, nous proposons un nouveau récit de la fulgurance de Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Une chose merveilleuse est arrivée…
Jean-Michel Basquiat Special Edition
A wonderful thing happened. Following the anchoring of a set of four portraits of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
The poetry of Didier Arnaudet has subtly anchored itself, with a stroke of black magic, on the surface of the portraits.
The calligraphy of Lara Captan has elegantly inks, with a stroke of coppery charcoal, the body of poetry .
Lara & Didier captured the meaning of my images. Together, we offer a new story of the brilliance of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
A wonderful thing has happened…
mail to Jérôme Schlomoff
more info Didier Arnaudet
more info Lara Captan
Julius Onah is a director. His next movie will be a fiction about the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Kelvin Harrison Jr. is the actor who will play the role of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
They came to meet me in order for me to share my memories of my meeting with Basquiat, during our portrait session in Paris on February 10, 1988.
Julius Onah - director - Amsterdam 17 May 2022
Kelvin Harrison Jr. - actor - Amsterdam 17 May 2022.
Jean-Michel Basquiat & Kelvin Harrison Jr. 1988 / 2022