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letterpress amsterdam


    schlomoff, gravemaker, thomas, letterpress amsterdam, portrait

    Thomas Gravemaker © Schlomoff - Amsterdam 2020

    Thomas Gravemaker, who has extensive experience and knowledge in letterpress and graphic design, worked for many years in the UK with various publishers – including several years as a senior designer at Thames & Hudson – and in France, first as studio manager in a design group, before setting up his own studio (www.tomscot.org). He works on book and exhibition design, catalogues and publicity material for clients such as Flammarion, the Réunion des Musées nationaux, Mollat, musée Carnavalet, musée de l’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Maison de Victor Hugo, The National Galleries of Scotland and many others.

    More info about Thomas Gravemaker : https://www.letterpressamsterdam.com/

    Lien permanent Catégories : Photographie 0 commentaire